Marine Generator Questionnaire

Fill out this form as completely as possible and submit to us-we'll get back to you as soon as possible with an assessment and price quote. You may also print out the form, fill it in and fax or mail it to us.
Your name: Company:
Street Address: City/St/Zip:
Country: E-mail:
Phone: Fax:
Your role: Projected delivery date: 
Vessel Data
Set is for: New vessel   Repower Vessel type: Power   Sail
Builder: Model/Year:
Length: Max. Speed: knots   mph
Usage: Cargo   Passenger   Ferry   Tug   Fishing   Workboat   Military/Patrol   Yacht  

AC Power Requirements
Preferred Manufacturers:   Northern Lights  Kohler  Westerbeke Other: 
Engine cooling:  Heat exchanger cooled  Keel control cooled 
Total kW: No. of sets:
kW of each set:   1   2   3   4   5 
AC voltage needed: Phase:   Single  Three
Power factor: 
Engine RPMS and AC frequency:  1800 RPM/60 Hz  1200 RPM/60 Hz  1500 RPM/50 Hz  1000 RPM/50 Hz 

Optional Equipment
Wet elbow  Wet muffler 
Dry muffler residential
Dry muffler critical

12v Standard ground
12v Isolated ground
24v Standard ground
24v Isolated ground

Power take offs:
 PTO clutch assembly

Instrument panel/harness:
No. of start/stop stations: 
Unit mount  Remote 
No. of DC instrument panels: 
Unit mount  Remote 
No. of AC/DC panels: 
Unit mount  Remote 

Safety systems:
Pre-alarms  LOP  HWT  LOL  LWL 
 Overspeed shutdown
Other alarms 

AC circuit breaker
Unit mounted
Shipped loose
Junction box mounted
  Base frame and mounts:
Standard steel frame w/standard mounts
Steel frame w/hydrolastic mounts
Aluminum frame w/standard mounts
Aluminum frame w/hydrolastic mounts

Sound enclosure:
Yes No

Classification society 

Other options:
Coast Guard fuel lines
Fuel filters
Export crating
Spare parts kit
S.T.A.R.S. (Soot trap and recycling system for low exhaust emissions)

Other options required:
*Please enter the sum below
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